Qualification Upskill

Ant-Tech Academy's Qualification Upskill takes your existing skills to the next level.

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Ant-Tech Qualification Upskill is your ultimate companion in this journey.

Personalized Learning Paths
Extensive Resources
Certification Success
Choose your focus:
Whether it's infrastructure as code, cloud security, containerization, or specific tools like Kubernetes, we have a curated path for you.
Skill gap analysis:
Identify your strengths and weaknesses by taking our exam to customize your learning journey.
Expert-led courses:
Learn from seasoned DevOps professionals with extensive real-world experience.
Interactive labs and case studies:
Put your knowledge into practice by solving real-world problems.
In-depth learning materials:
Access comprehensive guides, e-books, and video tutorials for deeper understanding.
Thriving community:
Connect with fellow DevOps enthusiasts, share experiences, and learn from each other.
Preparation courses for industry-recognized certifications:
AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect, Certified Kubernetes Administrator and more.
Mock exams, interview preparation and personalized feedback:
Gain confidence and refine your skills before the real test.
Post-certification support:
Keep up-to-date with the latest trends and stay at the forefront of your field.

Don't settle for "good enough".
Ant-Tech Qualification Upskill empowers you to:

Become a DevOps rockstar
Command respect and admiration in your team and beyond.
Accelerate your career growth
Earn higher salaries and unlock new opportunities.
Make a real impact
Contribute to innovative projects and build the future of technology.
Ant-Tech Company

People sharing love all around the world

“For over a year, Ant Tech has been our trusted partner. Their team of DevOps engineers consistently adds significant value to our projects, handling both routine tasks and research and development (R&D) efforts. They seamlessly integrate into our project teams, managing DevOps responsibilities, imparting their technical knowledge, and diligently preparing essential documentation”

Author 1

Kubat Usubaliev

KazMinerals DevOps Engineer

“Working with Ant Tech has been a rewarding journey, surpassing the typical client-vendor dynamic. They seamlessly integrate into our team, tackling complex infrastructure challenges with innovative solutions. Their transparent workflow and adaptability align perfectly with our culture. Ant Tech's dedication and expertise consistently deliver dependable solutions, adding significant value to our operations.”

Author 1

Ulan Murzaev

Central Election Commission

“Working with Ant-Tech was an absolute pleasure from start to finish. Their team's professionalism, proactive approach, and commitment to delivering results went above and beyond. Thanks to their efforts, our project was completed smoothly and efficiently. We highly recommend Ant-Tech to anyone seeking top-notch technical solutions.”

Author 2

Michael Patel


Get In Touch

Thank you for your interest in Ant Tech Company. We welcome inquiries and feedback. Please feel free to reach out to us using the contact details below:



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Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan



+1 214 256 3310
+996 995 000 360






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